Edda e Marok – “Noio; volevam suonar.”
https://contemporecords.it/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Edda-e-Marok-22Noio-volevam-suonar.-22-–-Copertina-LP-definitiva-800-px.jpg 800 800 admin admin https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/bfb68eb5d7bf76a4329b3304aada9620?s=96&d=mm&r=gThe free download of the incredible gift-album made by Marok and Edda is available.
The pre-order campaign is finished and the orders are 1.500 and counting. Now anyone can access the files by digital download.
Click here, then click on the DOWNLOAD button at the bottom of the page that will open. Leave name, surname and email address and accept the conditions – the download will start automatically.
The file in .zip format and will have to be decompressed.
Happy listening to all!